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Ambient Intelligence WS 2006/07

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General information
Fr 10:30 (sharp!) - 12:00, 3W04

The vision of Ambient Intelligence was introduced in Europe as a novel paradigm for electronics, building on existing concepts such as pervasive computing and ubiquitous computing. The far-reaching element of the vision was electronic devices small enough to be embedded in peoples’ surroundings to create smart electronic environments that can be personalised, adaptive, and anticipatory. Such environments could improve the quality of people’s lives by enhancing user expressiveness and experience, improving productivity, and supporting health-care.

The vision has resulted in many new concepts for the interaction between people and smart electronic environments, along with scenarios covering all kinds of situations that could occur in a world of ambient intelligence. Some of these scenarios have inspired ground breaking research leading to many new results. This seminar will revisit some of the most interesting of them.
