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Semantic Web WS 2008/09

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General information
<strong>VO</strong>: Mi 14-16 (Beginn 08.10.), HS D<br/><strong>UE</strong>: Mo 14-16 (Beginn 13.10.) 14-tägig, RR15

The Semantic Web is envisioned as the next generation of the Web which allows for automatic retrieval and combination of information on a world-wide scale. The backbone of the Semantic Web consists of Ontologies, which are consensual specifications of knowledge in a particular domain. In this course you will learn about representation mechanisms for data, meta-data and Ontologies on the Semantic Web. Furthermore, you will learn about different reasoning techniques which can be used for retrieving, filtering and combining information on the Web. You will learn about RDF, OWL and SWRL as representation mechanisms, and you will learn about reasoning with Description Logics, Logic Programming, and First-Order Logic for the Semantic Web.
