Research is the core task of STI Innsbruck. Our motto is "Enabling Semantics". Find out more about our current research directions!

Opening and Processing Appliances Data for Energy Efficiency


While the mass consumers' demand and expectations in the energy efficiency field grow, the providers and manufacturers of electrical appliances are searching for the approaches and infrastructures enabling them to build new kind of added-value services, based on the large volumes of data available from the appliances. Thus, the goal of the project OpenFridge is to design and develop a pilot simple and scalable Internet of Things data infrastructure, empowering building new services based on the typical home appliance data, e.g. data on the energy consumption of the fridge. The infrastructure would be comprised of semantic domain models for opening of the appliances data, data analytics module for aggregation of the raw Internet of Things energy data in adding value energy efficiency information, as well as provisioning of this information to interested stakeholders (appliance manufacturers, end users, utilities, municipalities, etc.) under the new access mechanisms and business models. Further, the pilot service prototypes will showcase the OpenFridge approach and infrastructure, and involve the real end user communities with varying sociodemographic factors and gender characteristics.