Research is the core task of STI Innsbruck. Our motto is "Enabling Semantics". Find out more about our current research directions!


10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2008)

August 18, 2008 - August 22, 2008
Innsbruck, Austria

The International Conference on Electronic Commerce brings together the top of the scientific research community in e-commerce and e-business from all over the world. The theme of this conference is Semantic technology moving toward interoperability.

Scalability in Semantic Computing:The European View

August 4, 2008 - August 7, 2008
Scalability of Semantic Computing: The European View

Mike Lynch, CEO and Founder of Autonomy, recently stated that “meaning-based computing is the way of the future as 85 per cent of information within enterprises is unstructured and that understanding this 'hidden' intelligence is at the heart of improving the way we interact with information”. Some of the most advanced use cases for such semantic computing today require reasoning about 10 billion RDF triples in less than 100 ms. These numbers originate from the telecom sector aiming at generating revenue streams through new context-sensitive and personalized mobile services. This is just one example of a general demand. A second equally important example is the Internet of the Future, which envisions an environment with billions of users, many billions of resources, trillions of services, and even more meta-data used to describe them. All of that will be integrated through a network of services. In order to establish meaning-based computing as a means to enable interoperability, it is important that semantic technologies scale to the size of such environments. This special session will give an overview of some of the most important achievements of European research in its enterprize towards the realization of scalable and robust semantic technologies. In particular the papers presented throughout the session will address the following topics:

  • Semantic Service Orientation
  • Semantic Middleware
  • Semantic Web Reasoning
  • Identity and Reference Management
  • Semantic Business Process Management


Middleware for the Semantic Web Workshop - 2nd ICSC (MSW Workshop)

August 4, 2008 - August 7, 2008
Santa Clara, CA,USA

With this workshop we aim at bringing together promising cutting-edge middleware and Semantic Computing research, which - in integration and coordination rather than in current isolation - address the aforementioned challenges and can form a new semantic middleware layer that enables the global Web of knowledge and services, and hence the true Semantic Web vision. We address the traditional issues of data and process heterogeneity, however with a clear focus on large-scale, open and distributed environments, i.e. in settings that match the Semantic Web in the true Web sense, rather than on a corporate or even application level.

Workshop on Coordination Models and Applications: Knowledge in Pervasive Environments (CoMA) (CoMA Workshop)

June 23, 2008 - June 25, 2008
Rome, Italy

International IEEE Workshop on Coordination Models and Applications (CoMA): Knowledge in Pervasive Environments at the 17th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE).

The CoMa workshop is partially supported by the EU STREP TripCom and the EU STREP WORKPAD.

6th International Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based tools and Semantic Web Service Challenge (EON-SWSC2008)

June 1, 2008 - June 2, 2008
Tenerife, Spain

5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008)

June 1, 2008 - June 5, 2008
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

5th European Semantic Web Conference - ESWC is an annual European forum for dissemination and discussion of the latest results in research and application in all aspects of the Semantic Web.

Turning data into risk knowledge (MUSING Workshop)

May 21, 2008 - May 21, 2008
London, UK

The programme will feature business and technology sessions focusing on:

  • Data become knowledge: Modelling knowledge for risk governance·
  • Innovative solutions for valuing data in risk management in the financial industry in Basel II age
  • Emerging standards in the financial industry: XBRL at work
  • How ontologies can help financial organisations in improving their risk management processes
  • Integration of unstructured data into risk management for the financial industry
  • Web-based services for SMEs’ risk self-assessment in the web2.0 era
  • Alignment with European Commission’s policies

Interactive panel discussions will close the workshop offering the audience an insight into semantic services and best practices.

11th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2008)

May 5, 2008 - May 7, 2008
Innsbruck, Austria

"Business processes and social contexts - reaching beyond the enterprise".

Forum for the exchange and dissemination of topical research in the development, implementation, application and improvement of computer systems for business processes.

STI International Business Brunch

April 23, 2008 - April 23, 2008
Vienna, Austria

STI International Business Brunch: "Internet of Services - Semantic Technologies and the Future of the Internet" aims to introduce the semantic technologies and their future potentials to the local interesting parts.


March 3, 2008 - March 3, 2008
Innsbruck, Austria

Zukunft des Business Reporting

Perspektiven für Unternehmen, Banken und IT-Dienstleister durch Standardisierung von Finanzinformationen

Die Kommunikation von Unternehmen mit Kunden, Investoren und Aufsichtsbehörden sowie Analysten oder Ratingagenturen wird im Wettbewerb um Kunden und Marktanteile immer wichtiger. Harmonisierungsbestrebungen und die Bilanzskandale in den USA und in Europa haben dazu geführt, dass der Gesetzgeber die Publizitätsvorschriften für Unternehmen modernisiert und international gültige Standards geschaffen hat. Die Umstellung von einer nationalen auf internationale Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze ist nicht nur für börsennotierte Gesellschaften ein aktuelles Thema.
In vielen Unternehmen steht die Organisation von Controlling und Rechnungswesen auf dem Prüfstand, weil sich ihre herkömmliche Struktur angesichts der neuen Anforderungen als zu komplex und unflexibel erwiesen hat. Alle Bereiche eines Unternehmens müssen in Zukunft als Informationslieferanten für die interne Entscheidungsfindung und die Außendarstellung zusammenwirken. Die Herausforderung liegt darin, Unternehmensdaten auf möglichst sinnvolle Weise bedarfsgerecht und international vergleichbar aufzubereiten.
