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Master Seminar 3 WS 2012/13

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General information

The Online Communication [1] problem deals with the challenge of scalable dissemination approaches in a world of exponentially growing communication channels. Novel methods are needed for online communication based on distinguishing and explicitly interweaving content and communication as a central means for achieving reusability and thereby scalability.In this course we explore the phases of the online communication lifecycle: multichannel publication, social media monitoring, feedback/impact analysis and best practices for online communication.

[1] http://oc.sti2.at



This year the course will explore different aspects of online communication. In the introductory lecture an overview of the technologies and possible projects will be presented. The students will form groups of two or three and agree with the lecturer on the project. The lecturer will support and interact with the students during the project preparation. Finally, the project will be presented and evaluated in the last lecture. Students are required to give a presentation and write a 10 page report on the project (both in English).