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WSML Logical Expression Templates (WSLET)

Student name: 
Werner Bliem
PDF icon wslet.pdf632.41 KB

The benefits of ontology-based information results
from its association with a formal context that is
almost always created by the use of logics. However,
the concepts of sophisticated logics are only intuitive
on an informal level. Their exact and sound use, which
includes learning of the formalism to represent them,
is everything else than trivial.

This also explains why querying WSMO ontologies by
the use of WSML Logical Expressions is not an easy
task for non-IT-experts. Most of these users don't
want to think about the underlying information-theoretical
concepts but about solving their domain-specific problems.

This thesis aims at providing a solution to make the
querying task easier, by taking a templates-based approach.
It covers the specification of a template language
(WSLET), plus the tools to support the creation and
use of query templates. The tools will be delivered
as a plug-in that can be integrated into the
Web Service Modeling Toolkit (WSMT) and WSMO Studio.